Sunday, May 27, 2007

i'm moving out.

So it is late. And I am packing and cleaning. I thought I was ready to go, but it turns out that I have more stuff than I originally thought I did. It has been almost a year, and now I don't have room for everything. My biggest suitcase has my books in it and it is heavy. Right now I am mostly just waiting for my laundry to dry and then I will pack that away and be, I think, ready to go. We'll see.

More pictures. Because that is my favorite thing to do these days.
Teaching is now officially over. I had my primary class today, which wrapped up my teaching era here in Japan. I am excited to have no work or obligations for a few days.

I am rereading two of my favorite books right now. It is delightful.

1 comment:

MKShelley said...

I have a blog now if you want to read it.